(I'm aiming to upload this on New Years Day but who knows when I'll wake up? You know, after partying hard the night before! Just kidding, we are now staying at home for New Years Eve so I don't think there will be much hard core partying going on :'))
Right well I was just going to do a boring old post about my New Years resolutions and it would have been, well, just like the next persons blog post about New Years resolutions.
But then I had an idea.
(And before I explain I just wanted to say a massive thankyou to Zoe one of my best Twitter friends (@velvetsuggdeyes and www.the-beauty-birdie-says.blogspot.co.uk) because I wouldn't have done this without you, it's your project too! And good luck with your blog this year, I'm sure it will be brilliant! {everyone go check it out now,actually after you have read this post:)} Oh and your amazing and I hope we stay friends for a long time! You can always talk to me if you need anything!)
I wanted to bring all my favourite bloggers (and anyone who wanted to join in) together, as a way of showing how grateful I am that blogging can bring me so many new friends. I also hope that this inspires you to maybe make a blog or do something different, something out-going, this year.
Let's start this year, this chapter, off with a bang. Let's hope it's a good one. :)
So here are some paragraphs written by me and a few other bloggers, enjoy:
Me (its-annas-life.blogspot.com):
Although 2014 wasn't the best year for me, one of the best things that happened to me was that I started this blog! It makes me really happy writing posts, little updates, tips and I love how it can allow me to make friends with someone who could live on the other side of the world!
This year I decided to only make one New Years resolution because then I'm more likely to keep it:
• Be happy with who I am and don't try and change for the sake of someone else. I over think things way to much, I want to be a lot happier in 2015.
There are a lot of other things I would like to do in 2015 like doing things I've never done before, be adventurous, and maybe meeting some youtubers especially Zoƫ because I've been watching her for 3-4 years now and her videos make me so happy :)
Zoe (the-beauty-birdie-says.blogspot.com):
So before now, I wasn't ever the type of person to make resolutions let alone stick to them! I mean of course, when I was asked I'd make up a few common ones on the spot like eating healthy or whatever. However, this year I'd really like to make a serious effort to make genuine resolutions and stick to them. So here are mine. In 2015 I'd like to:
-Get much more organised.
Now I am quite an organised person but recently my priorities have been all over the place and now that I am doing GCSE work I cannot afford to waste time doing things like watching TV when I have a lot of homework anymore.
-To keep on schedule with blog posts.
I know that I have not long had this blog but I would really like to always post on here regularly (about 2-3 times a week) and hopefully I will gain a lot from doing this blog.
-Do more charitable volunteering or just charity work.
Lately, thanks to Louise, (SprinkleOfGlitter) I have been thinking a lot about how lucky I am and how there are many people out there who are not so lucky and who need people like us to help them out, so please leave any suggestions in the comments on some charity work that I could do, bearing in mind I am 14 years old.
I wish you all the luck with your New Year's resolutions, if you have any and if not I wish you a happy New Year!
-Love Zoe
Ella (Ellawashere.com):
I’ve never been the New Year resolutions kind of girl. I would just get too disappointed in myself If I wasn’t able to stick to them. But I do have a few things I would like to do in 2015. Like visiting Disneyland for example. I have never been there and It is about time that I finally do it. I would also love to visit a few new places, places I have never been. I am a traveller at heart and would love to travel the world one day. But for now, a few trips a year would have to do.
I would also love to meet a few more bloggers and broaden my blogger horizon (if that is a thing). Just being able to stick to blogging and inspiring a few people would be amazing. I want to make people smile with what I’m writing, make their lives a little bit better. And I hope 2015 will be THE year to do that!
Never forget, the scariest moment is always just before you start. So 2015 might be your year to start something new and exciting. Something you have always wanted to do. Take a chance and do it!
Anna (@floralsuggx):
There are many things that I'd love to achieve within the upcoming year of 2015 but just simple things like getting fit stands near the top of my list. To contribute towards my fitness but also my hobby, would be to enter a gymkhana which sounds soooo fun! I'd also be glad to get a job as this could help me gain independence and give me some insight on how adult life is.
An amazing opportunity for 2015 for me is to have the chance of meeting my fav youtubers because they're such an inspiration and the experience would just mean so so much to me.
Lastly, I'd just wish for my family and friends to have a happy year and get through each obstacle they may have to face.
The net girl (the-net-girl.blogspot.com):
New Years resolutions have never really been something I have properly thought about. I made some a few years ago, like eat less chocolate or read more books, and it would never, ever happen. So this year, I've thought about them a lot more and these are the ones I've come up with: (I decided to make 3 resolutions so it was more likely I could keep them)
• To do more exercise: I know this is very general, but it is something I really want to attempt.
• To care less about what people think of me: In 2015 im determined to the things I want to do without worrying about others opinions.
• To focus more on being happy in general:
Kind of in the same category as resolution 2, but I want to worry less and be happy more. Basically I want 2015 to be care-free
2015 is also the year that I want to do more, I want to try and go to concerts and youtube meet ups, I want to try and get a job and generally do as many things as I can. 2015 is the year I just want to say yes. (eh?!)
Hello to everyone! It's Sara from SaraPags here! Firstly I wanted to thank Anna for letting me write on her nice blog. For me, this has been an amazing year, full of experiences and events. I have a few resolutions though, that hopefully will make next year even better. Blogging-wise, I'd like to see posts not as a way to show people what you own but what you like, so that other people can make the right choice between two products. It has happened quite a lot this year, that I wasn't grateful for the stuff I already had, just because I wanted more. And that's not a good thought.
In my personal life instead, I want to say YES to more occasions that are given to me, and try and not be afraid of new experiences. It seems really easy but I swear to you, for me it's not.
Okay, so these were my two little resolutions for the new year, I promise I'll try to keep them! -Sara
In my personal life instead, I want to say YES to more occasions that are given to me, and try and not be afraid of new experiences. It seems really easy but I swear to you, for me it's not.
Okay, so these were my two little resolutions for the new year, I promise I'll try to keep them! -Sara
Another year has come to an end and it's time for me to decide upon a couple of new resolutions. Whilst last year I stuck to a really achievable resolution, wearing odd socks everyday which I completed, this year I have decided to choose two resolutions involving blogging. My first is to reach 400 followers on Bloglovin' as I would like to think it is achievable within the next year. I've decided the best way to manage this is to create a blogging timetable and stick to it; which is coincidentaly my second resolution. It also meant that each post was quite detailed and posted on time! Hopefully having a schedule will mean I always have sufficient content which may help me grow my following! These are my two resolutions which I really hope I can achieve! :)
I hope you enjoyed hearing from some different bloggers other than me for a change.;) I loved making this post so much, I got to collaborate with some of my favourite bloggers. I really liked putting it all together and seeing all their different writing styles. I really, really hope you liked this post and dont forget to check out all the girls, I will link them all below! Also if you have come from elsewhere, welcome to It's-Anna's-life! Thanks to all the people that stick by me no matter what, love you lots, let's make 2015 amazing! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Lots of love
Ella: http://ellawashere.com/
Anna(not me the other one): https://twitter.com/floralsuggx
The Net Girl: http://the-net-girl.blogspot.co.uk/
Anna(not me the other one): https://twitter.com/floralsuggx
The Net Girl: http://the-net-girl.blogspot.co.uk/