
Sunday, 26 October 2014

How to make a quote for your wall!

Today I wanted to teach you guys how to make a quote for your wall. 

What you need: 
• Scissors    
• A magazine of your choice
• A marker 
• A wall :) 
• Tape or something that else that can stick to walls

How to do:

• The first thing you need to do is choose your quote, choose something that you know you won't get bored of and maybe that means something to you! I chose: "Dance like no one is watching"
• Then I wrote mine out, so I could cross each letter of as I did it.
• Next you kind of need to come up with a layout according to the size and shape of the space you have on your wall! For example you could do some words bigger or smaller or a different font, you can change the position of the words, they don't all have to be in one straight line! 
• Now that you have done all that it is time to get started, get your marker and magazine and choose a page in it, carefully draw your letter onto the page and then rip out the page and cut the letter out. Just repeat this step until you have got all your letters! 

*Use each letter as a kind of template thing for the next one, just so you get the size right, also you might want to use specific pages in a magazine, especially if you are going for some sort of theme!* 

• Once you have all your letters cut out then it is time to just mess about with the layout and place you are going to put them, you might even want to move some other things around the room to make it look better! 
• Next you can begin to stick the letters up on the wall, be very careful as I ripped some of them a tiny bit in the process, also make sure the gap in between each letter is similar so it looks better! 
• You are done! Here's what mine looks like: 
It looks a bit lopsided in the photo but don't worry it looks better in real life! 

Thanks for reading today's blog post! Comment down below what quote you would do/are going to do/have done! And also suggestions for tomorrow's blog post, if I like your idea for my next blog post I will use it and give you credit! 
Thankyoouuuu guys! 

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