So we were talking and we decided it would be quite good fun to do a would you rather. So I've chosen 5 questions and so has Abbie and we are both going to answer all 10 questions and see how our answers compare!
1. Would you rather die saving 10 000 strangers from death knowing no one would ever know it was you, or live knowing everyone would know you chose not to save 10 000 people?
My Answer: I would rather die saving 10 000 people because at least I would know I'd done a good thing. Even if no one else did.
Abbie's Answer: I would rather die saving 10,000 strangers without anyone knowing it was me, because at least I would have done an amazing thing.
2. Would you rather have the power to become invisible or to fly?
My answer: Fly because then I could just fly away wherever I wanted to and just get away from things!
Abbie's answer: Definitely have the power to fly because you could travel wherever you wanted to and see more of the world!
3. Would you rather have to listen to the same song everyday for the rest of your life or not be able to listen to any music at all?
My answer: Not listen to any music at all because although I really love music, I get bored of songs quite quickly so I would end up completely hating the one song! Unless it's Taylor Swift...
Abbie's answer: I would rather listen to the same song every day because I love music way too much to not have it at all. It would have to be my favourite song though!
4. Would you rather be a famous blogger or famous youtuber and why?
My answer: Famous blogger because then I could do what I love as a job and I'm not a youtuber, I also would be too self conscious about videos of myself being out there.
Abbie's answer: This is a hard one! I would probably say a famous blogger, because blogging is my hobby and turning that into a job would be pretty cool. However, being a famous YouTuber could bring a lot of big opportunities and I just love YouTube!
5. Would you rather be in love and not be able to kiss or hug them, or not be in love and be able to kiss and hug who you want?
My answer: hmm that's hard, and the answer would probably change depending on my age. Probably not be in love because it would be horrible to be in love with someone and not be able to hug or kiss them.
Abbie's answer: I would say not be in love because not being able to hug and kiss someone in a relationship would be so hard.
6. Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream as the only food for eternity?
My answer: well at the moment I'd say pizza because I'm hungry and I don't really feel like ice cream but if you asked me in summer I'd say ice cream. I don't really love pizza that much but I'd probably say it as it is more filling than ice cream.
Abbie's answer: Pizza, because in the winter eating ice cream would be freezing and you can eat pizza all year round!
7. Would you rather have to sneeze but not be able to or have something stuck in your eye for an entire year?
My answer: I would definitely rather need to sneeze but not be able to, because I get so annoyed and panicky when something is stuck in my eye! I can't do anything until I've got it out.
Abbie's answer: I would rather be not be able to sneeze because having something in your eye really hurts!
8. Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or go into the future and meet your great-great grandchildren?
My answer: I would rather go into the past because I don't want to spoil the future and I would like to see if I'm like any of my ancestors!
Abbie's answer: Go into to the future and meet my great-great grandchildren because you could see what they did with their lives and how the world has changed in that time.
9. Would you rather be without internet for a week, or without your phone?
My answer: I would rather be without Internet because, I have mobile data and I also think it's sometimes nice to have a little break from the Internet, I'm not super obsessed with the Internet I quite like being away from it. One of the main reasons I use it for is talking to friends which I could do over text anyway.
Abbie's answer: Probably be without internet for a week because at least with your my phone I could take photos, text and ring people!
10. Would you rather spend the day with your favorite YouTuber or your favorite movie star?
My answer: Youtuber because I feel like I know them really well because I've been watching them for about four years now almost five actually, and I don't really have a favourite movie star! However if it was the choice between youtuber and favourite singer, I would choose Taylor Swift just because I've loved her since I was about 7-9ish and I know pretty much all the words to all her songs and I would love nothing more than to meet her!!
Abbie's answer: This is literally the hardest question! I love YouTubers and spending a day with my favourite - Zoe Sugg (Zoella) would be amazing! I love movies too and have a lot of favourite actresses but I wouldn't be able to choose which one! So I'd probably rather spend the day with my favourite YouTuber!
So there's our little collab for you, hopefully we can do more of these as I really enjoy it. :)
Don't forget to check out Abbie's blog as it is so good!!
Comment some more blog post suggestions down below!
Until next time
-Anna x
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